What is a Conscious Relationship? A new paradigm for deep connection.
We all have been struggling in Relationships. Who says it was easy? Nobody ever taught us how to be in a healthy relationship. We learn on the go. We all agree that the old paradigm isn’t working anymore. More than 50% of marriages end up in divorces. People are unsatisfied, unfulfilled and don’t know how to make a relationship work. There is a gap between our experience and what could be an ideal relationship. This is a huge opportunity to reflect on our belief system and move towards conscious love. It’s actually a great thing. What exactly is a conscious relationship? It's a romantic relationship in which both partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth. Collective growth as a couple. Growth that makes the world a better place. It’s not anymore about one partner to fulfill all our needs and to complete us or to save us. Each partner is consciously responsible for its own happiness, and for its own triggers. We are committed to doing the inner work in order to grow and evolve. Our partner is here to love you and support you no matter what we are going through. The dynamic is totally different as there is no need to blame or judge the other The intention is growth. The relationship strives towards something much greater than immediate gratification. The relationship becomes the journey of expanding your heart, expanding love and connection, and resolving conflicts within yourself. Our partner is part of our team with unconditional support. There is a power of bonding when we witness the evolution of our partner especially when he becomes a better human being. In a conscious relationship Love is not the final destination, it’s the fuel for the journey. Vulnerability and freedom are at the core of the relationship. The path of conscious relationship is a choice Let me share with you a few principles about Conscious Couples: 1. The couple is not attached to any outcome rather than growth It’s a different way of experiencing relationships than what’s written in Fairytales., and it goes against what the society has been sacralized. The conscious couples understand that no one can fulfill all their needs. This has created such a big disconnection in relationships especially when we make it mean that either our partner makes us happy or they are not a good partner, or worse, that there is something wrong with us. It’s just unrealistic. We cannot ask anymore our partner to act a certain way or to be who we want them to be. Otherwise, they repress themselves to please others and they become a shadow of who they are supposed to be. And inevitably the relationship become a trap where we feel small, powerless and confused. The only exit is to break free. Do we still want to cage and trap ourselves anymore? 2. Both partners are responsible and own their wounds. We understand that we all have wounds from our childhood and past experiences. Those wounds will get triggered inevitably. We choose to be responsible for how we feel as we understand that no one else has the power to make us feel anything. If in certain situations, I feel rejected, I assume that the rejection was already there before my partner did anything. I have now an opportunity to create awareness, understand, heal and start to make new choices. If I start to make new choices, I behave differently, then I start to feel different kind of emotions I am used to, and then I create a different experience. Most of us still believe that relationships should only feel great, and when bad feelings surface, we assume that something is wrong. What we fail to see in this situation is that issues are not caused by our partners; they’re caused by our beliefs and past experiences. Everything is based on taking responsibility for how we feel. No blaming and victim role anymore. When you take responsibility for your wounds we can start to heal and dissolve them. Taking responsibility gives us the power to choose our experience, and reflect on what is it that we truly want to experience in our life and relationships Taking responsibility is the key to be in our full personal power. 3. We have permission to feel and internal processes are recommended. We create a space to share our feelings and desires without making it mean anything. We are committed to letting the other person be who they want to be and to have their own experience. We may not understand or not relate and might be triggered but we still acknowledge the experience of our partner. We hear them. We validate their freedom and their uniqueness. We are in total empathy without the need to advice or fix anything. This safe space becomes a space of healing where you can surrender yourself. There are no judgments. Healing is the journey of expanding your heart. The more you heal, the more you can express yourself at a higher level of consciousness with a heart wide open. I also want to emphasize the great respect that we create for each other by holding this space of expression. The respect comes also from the authenticity of what we can share. The only option is radical honesty: revealing parts of ourselves that are hard to share and letting our partners do the same. This leads to feeling known, seen and truly understood — a combination that will automatically enhance your love. Isn’t it what we are all looking for? 4. The relationship is a place to practice love. Love, ultimately, is a practice. A practice of acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and stretching your heart into vulnerable and uncharted territories. Love is sacred, and therefore you have to connect to your own sacredness and the one of your partner. The Relationship becomes sacred. Love is a journey and an exploration of yourself. Love is part of your identity, it’s in your DNA. All we have to do is practice being grounding in love. We don’t let your emotions taking control of your life and your relationship. Whatever we are going through, we are committed to staying in a place of love. You are committed to choosing love over fear, over doubts, over triggers, over pain, and over the hurt. The couple embodies Love as a fuel for their journey. And through their devotion and practice, love shows up in their lives and relationship in ways they would’ve never imagined before. One of the secret to keeping the relationship alive is to value growth more than anything else. We choose to thrive through expansion. It won’t be easy because growth is going to uncharted and uncomfortable territories, but it creates a unique bond and connection that keep the Relationship worth it. It maintains a natural feeling of aliveness, authenticity, freedom and deep love. There are many more principles for Conscious Relationship especially in term of communication. Those 4 ones are just the 4 pillars. Do you have a comment, question or an inquiry? What support might you need? I’d love to help you! I get many notes and emails requests and I do read every single email that comes through. To get in touch, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
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Eric BensoussanTransformational Relationship & Divorce Coaching. Categories